
Gordon Craig Theatre

The school’s theatre productions, held at the Gordon Craig Theatre are cherished memories that will last a lifetime. All students have the opportunity to take part, a brilliant way to gain confidence and most of all have a wonderful time.


North Central Herts School of Dance is very privileged to provide the juvenile dancers for Jordan Productions well loved Pantomimes at the Gordon Craig Theatre. Students from 8 years up are invited to audition each year and have an unforgettable experience working with industry professionals over the Pantomime season.

ISTD Awards

Prestigious yearly awards held by the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing.

Janet Cram Awards

Ballet Awards

Competitions & Performances

Students are invited to take part in competitions and additional performances between our school productions.

Royal Albert Hall

Performing as a large group at one of London’s most iconic venues is a fantastic experience for all involved.

ISTD Exams

Taking our ISTD exams is a very rewarding time for students and teachers at North Central Herts.

Disneyland Paris

Students have the opportunity to perform in our own showcase at Disneyland Paris.
A fabulous memory for students and their families to cherish.

Get in touch

We would love to hear from you, please get in touch if you are interested in joining our school or have any questions.

Stephanie Ellis

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